Richard Nagler Fine Art Photography
My Love Affair with Miami Beach WORD on the Street Portraits Oakland Rhapsody Looking at Art Reflections on BART Rethinking the Female Figure Books by Richard Nagler Limited Edition Books
 MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH MIAMI BEACH, Photographs by Richard Nagler, Introduction and Commentary by Isaac Bashevis Singer (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1991) OAKLAND RHAPSODY: The Secret Soul of an American Downtown, Photographs by Richard Nagler, Introduction and Commentary by Ishmael Reed (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, 1995) WORD ON THE STREET, Photographs by Richard Nagler, Foreword by Peter Selz, (Heyday Books, Berkeley, California, 2010) LOOKING AT ART/THE ART OF LOOKING, )(Heyday Books, Berkeley, California, 2014)
  2247 5th Street   Berkeley CA 94710  510 244 1000